I absolutory love this new plant of mine! It is a Baby Sun Rose succulent plant.
In the town I live in, they have petunias and Baby Sun Rose plants in some of the planters. I took a cutting recently of the Baby Sun Rose, not knowing what it was, and put it in water. Within about 3 weeks it sprouted roots. It did take a while to root. I got some more cuttings and this time I am putting them directly in moist soil,
It is a beautiful succulent plant that flowers year-round. Apparently the blooms attract hummingbirds. I also love that it is a vine/crawling type of plant.
As you may of guessed… It loves the sun. For now, I have it on our kitchen island that gets a few hours of direct sun. The long term goal is to have a nice full vine and to hang it in a window.
I am not sure if they are fast growers or not but I am planning on getting cuttings from my own cuttings once they grow and are more established. I think it would make a great plant to share as it’s not as common in my area.
Have a great weekend! 🌸
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