Looks like I did it again…
I write a blog post, and then I disappear. Not a peep from me during 2022, and now it is 2023!
The last blog post I wrote here was on December 31st, 2021. A lot has happened since then. I will attempt to give a brief overview of the main events in my life that took place last year in 2022.
What happened to being a life coach?
The last time I wrote here, I finished off by saying I had decided to become a life coach. Last year, I did get my life coach certification and launched my first life coaching program. Seven people signed up, and it was lovely!
However, with time, my own personal issues came up and became unmanageable along with everything else. My financial situation kept getting worse and worse with time, and I didn’t have the capacity to be there for others when I felt I was drowning in my own stress and despair.
I made the decision to find a remote WordPress related 9-5. I was tired of inconsistent income. It took me a couple of months–a couple of very stressful months, but I finally found a position that I am still in today. I am doing this along with running my own WordPress development business, Alien Girl, on the side. I will expand more on this in another post… how I feel about my current career situation.
Meet Bowie
Oh, and during this stressful time, I made the decision to get a dog… It certainly wasn’t a smart financial move but he has been a good companion. Now that I live in a house (which I will talk more about later) I feel more comfortable having him around. I will write a blog post dedicated to him at some point as I did for Bebe.

I ended the relationship mentioned in my last post. I respect the person, and he was very good to me but it wasn’t working out AND I kept having the feeling that I needed to move back home. This feeling had been lingering for a couple of years.
When I moved back, I decided I would attempt to check out the dating pool here. Before making this decision I thought about the three long-term relationships I had been in and looked for a common thread for what didn’t work for me as I ended all three. Once I was clear on what it was that didn’t work for me in previous relationships and what I would like to have in a partner… I decided to try again!
I did end up meeting someone, we started chatting in mid-October and met in mid-November. It’s going very well, today is 2 months since our first date. I won’t say much more at this time as I don’t want to jinx anything! 😉
Moved back home
About a month or so after ending the relationship, I moved back home. I lived in Montreal for 10 years and I was finally ready to come back. I am now back in my hometown and see my family on regular basis as opposed to not seeing them at all.
I moved back to New Brunswick at the end of September and stayed with my mum and her husband until I found my own place. I moved into a house for rent at the beginning of December. It is an old house with a lot of charm and a decent-sized yard. I will definitely share more about this with time. For now, I will say that Bebe, Bowie, and I are really enjoying having a wood stove.
Oh! And, during that time I also got a car. It is a used car but it works just fine.
That is all I have for now. Thank you for reading and Happy New Year!
good to hear how you’re doing ♡
Thank you, Ashlynn. ♡
I hope you are well. ♡